Tuesday 20 November 2018

International Children's Day

Good morning! I wish you have a good day today, in your day, Children's Day. I hope every child in the world can have the opportunity to have his/her rights respected. You are the best thing in the world! :)

Friday 16 November 2018

Happy Flamenco Day

Hello everyone! Today, November 16th, we celebrate in Andalusian schools the Flamenco Day. It defines our culture and it is also a cultural element that makes Andalusia a famous place to visit. We are proud of flamenco and we are proud of our culture. Enjoy this day! Olé! 💃

Sunday 11 November 2018

Poppy Day

Good morning everyone! Time for some history tips now!

Today is Remembrance Day, also known as Poppy Day. It is an important day for nations in the Commonwealth, mainly Britain. They remember all the people who died in war, especially from World War I. Below you can find a picture of all the poppies coming from the Tower of London as a way of recognising these people.

From: http://vivertrabalharlondres.com/remembrance-day-em-inglaterra/

Thursday 1 November 2018

Welcome November!

Hello everyone! How is your All Saints Day going? I hope you had a good time last night celebrating Halloween! Today we start a new month, November, when we will get ready for Christmas, for winter, and for many other things. Enjoy your evening and see you tomorrow in class!